Chapter 1 : How I first met1 Sherlock Holmes  

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I) Listen   and Read 

1 - Are you sure you want2 to meet1   him, Watson?
2 - He is a brilliant  man, but sometimes3, he has some strange  ideas
3 - Listen  to me Stamford, The British army  gave   me money  after I was shot  in the arm   in Afghanistan  , but London is an expensive   city  
4 - I can no longer afford  to live in the hotel, so I need to find4  a cheaper   place to live.
5 - Well this morning, Sherlock was complaining    because he had found4   a nice flat  but it was too expensive  .
6 - And in my opinion if he wants someone5 to share   the rent , you're the right6 person for him."
7 - When can I meet   him, then7.
8 - He was conducting experiments  at the laboratory this morning, so I'm sure he'll still8 be there9  this afternoon .
9 - We can meet   him at the hospital  together after lunch  .
10 - We arrived at the hospital  and went  into a big room  . Only one student  was working there9  .
11 - Dr. Watson, this is Mr. Sherlock Holmes.
12 - Pleased   to meet you. I see  you've been to10 Afghanistan .
13 - How on earth11    do you know12 that ?" Did you tell  him Stamford ?
14 - Not at all13, Watson. I warned  you. He's a very intelligent  man.
15 - How did he know I had been14 to Afghanistan  , I had15 no idea  but he was about to tell  me16.

meet1 : rencontrer / met1 : rencontrer au passé / want2: vouloir /  sometimes3: parfois /find4: trouver / had found4 : avait trouvé / someone5: quelqu'un / the right6 : la bonne / then7: alors / still8: encore / there9: là-bas / you've been to10 : vous êtes allé / how on earth11 : lit = "comment sur Terre ...?" = comment diable ... ?" / do you know12 : est-ce que vous savez ... / not at all13 : pas du tout / I had been14 : j'étais allé / I had no idea15 : je n'en avais aucune idée / he was about to tell me16 : il était sur le point de me le dire.    

II) Grammar

1 - Video Explanation (Slide to the right for + videos)

Prétérit Irrégulier

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Prétérit Continu (Be + V-ing)

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2 - Listen and Write

3 - Translate into English


1 - Easy to Memorize with Hypnosis

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2 - Easy to Memorize (Slide to the right for + Pictures)

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3 - Listen and remember vocabulary with Hypnostory

4 - Your Turn


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