Chapter 2 : Lestrade  

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I) Listen   and Read 

1 - I met Sherlock the next  day, and we visited the flat   at No. 221B, Baker Street  .
2 - The flat  was nice, and the rent1  was cheap2 , so we took it3 and we immediately moved in4  .
3 - After a week, a small man  named Lestrade came5  to visit us6 and he became7 a frequent visitor.
4 - Sherlock, may I ask8  why is this man coming so often9?
5 – Well, you see  Watson I have a unique profession . I'm a detective  
6 - When the police have a problem with a case10  , they come  to me, and I help   them11 find the solution.
7 - Lestrade is a policeman who recently got stuck12 in a case, and so he came   to me.
8 - But are you saying13 'I asked'  that you can solve a problem that even the police can't ?
9 -Absolutely! You seemed14 surprised  when I told you15, during our first meeting  ,that you had come16 from Afghanistan .
10 - You probably heard  it from someone17.
11 - No, not at all18. I knew19 you came from20 Afghanistan . And, my reasoning went like this21:


: le loyer / cheap2 : pas cher / we took it3 : nous l'avons pris / we moved in4 : nous avons déménagé / came5 : est venu / visit us6 : nous rendre visite / he became7 : il est devenu / may I ask8 : puis-je demander / often9 : souvent /a case10 : une affaire policière / help them11 : les aider / got stuck12 : s'est retrouvé coincé / are you saying13 : êtes-vous en train de dire / seemed14 : semblait / when I told you15 : quand je vous ai dit / had come16 : étiez venu / heard it from someone17 : l'avez entendu par quelqu'un / Not at all18 : pas du tout / I knew19 : je savais / you came from20 : vous veniez de / went like this21 : lit = "est allé ainsi" = s'est déroulé ainsi

II) Grammar

1 - Video Explanation (Slide to the right for + videos)

Présent Continu (Be + V-ing)

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Be au Prétérit

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Prétérit régulier VS irrégulier

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2 - Listen and Write

3 - Translate into English


1 - Easy to Memorize with Hypnosis

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2 - Easy to Memorize (Slide to the right for + Pictures)

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Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.

3 - Listen and remember vocabulary with Hypnostory

4 - Your Turn

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